Nosobranchius becomes an adult in just four months, lays eggs, and dies.


The average lifespan of a human is 80 years, and the average lifespan of a carp is 30 years. The tropical fish Nosobranchius has a short lifespan of 4 months in nature. Nosobranchius, which lives in Africa, is a member of the killifish family and can live up to one year even when kept in an aquarium. Nosobranchius is a beautiful fish even though it has a short lifespan, so it is popular among tropical fish enthusiasts.


Environment and ecology of Nosobranchius

Nosobranchius, who lives in Mozambique, Africa, lives in ponds in areas with distinct rainy and dry seasons. Nosobranchius can live only during the rainy season, and once they hatch during the rainy season, they mature in two months, fall in love, and lay eggs. Adult fish die when their habitat dries up during the dry season. The remaining eggs survive drying for four months and hatch when the rainy season returns. By repeating this process, even if the parent fish dies, it survives the dry season in the form of eggs.



Nosobranchius is popular despite its short lifespan.

Japanese people like large ancient fish, but the smaller Nosobranchius is especially popular overseas. Nosobranchius is a very beautiful tropical fish, so it is also called a swimming jewel.




Nosobranchius is a tropical fish that enjoys spawning and hatching.

Nosobranchius is popular not only because of its beauty. You can purchase dormant eggs of this fish. Nosobranchius enthusiasts enjoy returning the fish’s dormant eggs to the water to hatch and raise them.

When you become an advanced breeder, you create an environment for the grown parent fish to lay eggs, and have them lay eggs in peat moss. Remove the laid eggs from the aquarium and store them in a plastic bag with the eggs attached to the peat moss for about 4 months in a slightly damp state. Once you can see the eyes of a fry on these eggs, return them to the aquarium, hatch them, and raise them. Repeat this pattern.




Nosobranchius can be enjoyed as a combination of adult fish and eggs. You can enjoy the life of the whole fish rather than raising just one individual.

ノソブランキウスは成魚と卵という組み合わせで 飼育を楽しむことができます。1個体の飼育より、魚全体の生活ライフを楽しむことができます。

If we apply this to humans, rather than thinking that everything is over when we die, we should consider leaving behind assets for our children and grandchildren, and creating an environment where our grandchildren can continue to live a peaceful and safe life.

