I found a small ammonite fossil at a flea market and bought it on impulse.The type of ammonite I purchased was Cleoniceras sp. Cleoniceras sp is a type of ammonite that lived in the mid-Cretaceous period (approximately 140 million to 60 million years ago) and is native to Madagascar.Ammonite from Madagascar emits a strong red flash (fire) and has opal-like play of color, so it is expensive, but the ammonite I purchased was inexpensive because it did not have a red flash.
フリーマーケットでアンモナイトの小さな化石を見つけ衝動買いしました。購入したアンモナイトの種類は Cleoniceras spクレオニセラス属でした。Cleoniceras spは白亜紀中期(約1億4千万〜6千万年前)に生息していたアンモナイトの一種でマダガスカル産です。マダガスカル産は強い赤色の閃光(ファイヤー)を放ち、オパールのような遊色が浮き出るため高価ですが、購入したアンモナイトは赤色の閃光がないので安価でした。
Ammonites are extinct
A closely related species, the nautilus, lived during the Mesozoic era. Ammonites and nautiluses have almost the same body structure, and fossils are often found together, and both nautiluses and ammonites originally lived in shallow seas.
In the shallow sea, where there are many organisms, the slow-moving nautilus lost the struggle for survival and was forced into the deep sea.
Even today, the nautilus’ habitat is in the South Pacific at depths of 100 to 600 meters.Ammonites, able to move quickly, remained in shallow waters and were able to reproduce in more than 10,000 species.
However, suddenly, 65.5 million years ago, an asteroid collided with the Earth, causing the Earth to cool down rapidly. During this period, the earth’s natural environment changed significantly, and many living things, including dinosaurs, became extinct in large numbers.
At this time, ammonites, which were directly affected by climate change, went extinct, while nautiluses, which were in the deep sea, escaped the effects and are thought to have survived to this day.
Although the nautilus was defeated in its struggle for survival, it was able to survive to the present day by moving to a different environment. The secret to survival is not strength, but adaptability to the environment.
Fossil ammonite becomes calcite
The shell of purchased ammonite is cut in the middle so that the cross section is clearly visible. Each room separated by an ammonite wall is called an “air chamber.” It is thought that ammonites filled the air chambers with gas and liquid and adjusted their buoyancy by changing the balance of gas and liquid in the air chambers. The white part filling the inside of each air chamber in the photo is calcite. Calcite is a type of mineral made of crystallized calcium carbonate. After death, the calcium carbonate contained in the water surrounding the buried ammonite slowly crystallized and grew, filling the air chambers and becoming jewel-like. Ammonite is also valuable as a gemstone.
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