Flying squidトビイカ


Dolphins and killer whales make spectacular jumps. Flying fish can fly close to the sea surface for up to 200 meters. purpleback flying squid(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis ) also fly in the sky.This squid takes flight to escape from predators.


This squid takes flight to escape from predators

purpleback flying squidis a squid that belongs to the Acadidae family and lives in subtropical regions, and has a total length of 30 cm. The flying squid is different from the jumping of dolphins or the gliding of flying fish. It’s jet injection. It swims underwater at high speed, spitting out water with great force and jumping out of the water. It continues to spray water into the air and accelerates. Its spread legs and fins act as wings to obtain the lift needed to float. Finally, it folds its legs and lowers its stance to land on the water. It can fly for about 3 seconds and has a flight distance of 30 meters to 50 meters. purpleback flying squid has a total length of 30 cm, but only young squids measuring 20 cm can actually fly.


The flying squid uses a jet to fly through the sky.

Although they are not flying squids, Japanese flying squid and flying squid, which belong to the same squid family, can also fly. Currently, in Japan, the subtropical flying squid is attracting attention as the amount of squid caught is decreasing.

トビイカほではありませんが同じアカイカ科のスルメイカJapanese flying squidも空を飛べます。現在日本ではイカの漁獲量が減少している中で亜熱帯地域のトビイカが注目されています。




