Jewel corals live in the deepest parts of the ocean宝石サンゴ


Jewel coral refers to the type of coral or its skeleton that is red to white in color and is mainly processed into jewelry. Reef-forming corals are distinguished from reef-building corals based on their intended use by humans.

The skeleton is mainly composed of calcium carbonate. Therefore, it dissolves when immersed in acid. It has a Mohs hardness of about 3.5 and emits pale purple fluorescence when exposed to ultraviolet light .



red coral Corallium rubrum

Its habitat is the Mediterranean Sea, from the waters around Italy to the northwestern coast of Africa. The height of the colony is about 30 centimeters, and the thickness of the root is about 2 centimeters in diameter. Unlike other gemstone corals that live only on the ocean floor deeper than 100 meters, it is also distributed on shallow ocean floors. It has been used by humans for the longest time among the precious corals, dating back tens of thousands of years .

紅サンゴ(Corallium rubrum)


Corallium japonicum

They live on the ocean floor near Japan, including Tosa Bay and the Ogasawara Islands. The height of the colony is about 40 cm, and the thickness of the root is about 5 cm in diameter.

赤サンゴ(Corallium japonicum)


Corallium elatius

They live in the Philippines, off the coast of Nagasaki, Tosa Bay, and the Ogasawara Islands. The colony is about 150 centimeters tall, and the base is over 15 centimeters in diameter, making it a large species compared to other gemstone corals. 

桃色サンゴ(Corallium elatius)


Corallium konojoi

They live in the South China Sea, off the coast of Nagasaki, and in Tosa Bay. The height of the colony is about 50 cm, and the thickness of the root is about 4 cm in diameter . The scientific name konojoi is named after Konojo Ebisuya, who was the first to collect white coral in Japan and contributed to coral fishing by developing fishing nets for coral.

白サンゴ(Corallium konojoi)


