Stress is expressed in the body of the damselfishソラスズメダイ


Modern society is a stressful time. Watching the Paris Olympics, there are athletes who are so nervous and stressed that they are unable to perform to their full potential.Stress from interpersonal relationships, work-related matters, money matters, entrance exams, family matters, love matters, etc. can manifest itself in your physical condition and cause you to become ill, causing you to miss school or work. These are especially difficult times for people who are sensitive to stress. When Neon damselfish (Pomacentrus coelestis) feels stressed, it immediately shows on its body. It is a beautiful blue fish about 5 to 10 centimeters long. It can often be seen on rocks and quays south of Chiba Prefecture in Japan.

現代社会はストレスの多い時代です。パリのオリンピックを見ていると、過度の緊張感とストレスで力を十分に出せない選手がいます。対人関係、仕事上の事、お金の事、受験、家族の事、恋愛など、ストレスが体調に現れ病気になり、学校や会社を休んでしまうことがあります。特にストレスに弱い人は大変な時代です。Neon damselfish(Pomacentrus coelestis)はストレスを感じると、それがすぐに体に現れます。5∼10センチくらいの青色の美しい魚です。日本の千葉県より南の磯や岸壁でよく見かけることができます。

When a damselfish feels stressed, its body color changes from blue to dark blue.

If you try to keep a damselfish in an aquarium, it will become stressed and change from a beautiful blue color to a dark blue. Stress varies from water temperature, salinity, tank density, noise, food, etc. The damselfish changes color to black in a few seconds.The damselfish is a fish that is sensitive to stress.


Stress is expressed in the body of the damselfish

When the stress is removed, the damselfish returns to its original blue color. Humans also need stress relief. If stress lasts for a long time, it will manifest itself in your physical condition and make you sick.


