Atergatis floridus, the floral egg crab, green egg crab, pancake crab, or shawl crab, is a species of tropical Indo-Pacific crab from the family Xanthidae. The meat of this crab is toxic, even if cooked, and consumption often results in death.
Atergatis floridus has an oval, relatively narrow carapace which has a smooth surface. The carapace is greenish or greenish-blue-brown and is marked with a pattern which resembles lace and is made up of a fine network of fine white or yellow lines whitel. It has large claws which are equal sizes and which are smooth with black spoon-shaped tips. The width of the carapace is 8–10 cm. Distribution
スベスベマンジュウガニ(学名Atergatis floridus)は(英名で花の卵のカニ、緑の卵のカニ)、オウギガニ科の熱帯インド洋から太平洋に生息するカニの一種です。このカニは小さくても有毒であり、食べると死に至ることがあります。
Atergatis floridus occurs in the eastern Indian Ocean from south east Asia, south to Australia where it reaches Rottnest Island in Western Australia and possibly in the east, its range extends eastwards across the western pacific as far as Hawaii.Atergatis floridus is an inhabitant of the neritic zone and prefers coral and rubble. It is largely nocturnal.
スベスベマンジュウガニは東南アジアからインド洋東部に生息し、南はオーストラリアに至り、西オーストラリアのロットネスト島に、東では西太平洋を東に横切ってハワイにまで。日本では千葉県から沖縄県にかけての太平洋岸に生息します。スベスベマンジュウガニは主に潮干帯から水深100mまでに生息し、サンゴや瓦礫を好みます。 またこのカニは夜行性です
The meat of Atergatis floridus, like that of many related crab species from the family Xanthidae is toxic. The toxins are synthesised by bacteria of the genus Vibrio which live in symbiosis with the crab and the poisons are one similar to those found in puffer fish, i.e. tetrodotoxin, and also saxitoxin which is the primary toxin involved in paralytic shellfish poisoning.There have been cases of death due to this poison in Japan.
大学時代、ゼミ仲間とスベスベマンジュウガニは変な名前だねと話していると、ゼミの先生が大阪大学のえらい先生が1970年ころ名付けたと教えてくれました。学名がAtergatis floridus (Linnaeus, 1767)なので1769年にリンネが名付けたことが分かりますが、標準和名はもっとセンスの良い名前にしてほしかったですね。でも名前から体が丸い形で表面がすべすべしていることわかります。
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