Fishs creepy and cute Blobfish ブロブフィシュ lift it onto landBlobfish and there is a layer of gelatin 2024.07.16 Fishs
Fishs Four-eyed fishes has four eyes ヨツメウオ Four-eyed fishes are surface dwellers and have eyes adapted for seeing both above and below the water surface. The eyes are on top of the head, and each is divided into two parts, an upper half for vision in air, 2024.07.13 Fishs
Fishs pearlfish can function as a parasiteカクレウオ Pearlfish are slender, eel-shaped fish that often live inside various invertebrates including sea cucumbers. 2024.07.13 Fishs
Coelenterate(jellyfish) rejuvenations of the Jellyfishベニクラゲ the jellyfish gets old, it is possible to grow back into a child (polyp) again. 2024.07.12 Coelenterate(jellyfish)
Sponges Sponges sea cleanerカイメン Sponges don't stand out, but they clean the earth. 2024.07.11 Sponges
Echinoderms Sea ferns they have a brainウミシダ When a defenseless sea fern is attacked by an enemy, it tries to survive by cutting off its tentacles. 2024.07.10 Echinoderms
Annelids Fire worm All over the body is full of thornsウミケムシ Fire worm pierce the skin with countless fiberglass-like bristles, which are poisonous and can pierce the skin. 2024.07.09 Annelids
mollusks Metal teeth Limpetsカサガイ There are organisms in the living world that have metal teeth。カサガイは金属でできた歯舌を持ち生物界で最も強い歯です。 2024.07.08 mollusks
Fishs Kissing gourami Fish, a tropical fish that attacks with kissesキッシング・グラミー When territorial males meet, they attack by pressing their lips together and pushing each other キッシング・グラミーは発達した唇を使ってオス同士で縄張り争いをします。 2024.05.26 Fishs
Coelenterate(jellyfish) ネオンサインのようなウリクラゲ ウリクラゲはネオンサインのようにきれいに光りますが、発光ではなく反射です。 2024.05.12 Coelenterate(jellyfish)